Hands-On Workshop on Accurate
Elemental Nondestructive XRF

August 26 – 28, 2009
Edificio Carolino-BUAP, Puebla, Mexico
The purpose of the workshop is to provide all those that attend a good knowledge of XRF (x-ray fluorescence) physics, and how to apply this technique to elemental analysis of anything. Learning will be accomplished by actually doing analysis of the materials that the participants bring to the workshop. Three XRF instruments will be available for the attendees to use at the workshop and thereafter for 2 weeks for no cost or fee.

Laboratory Training in XRF.
January 26 - March 19, 2010.
Contact Dr. Carlos L. Pando Lambruschini

About the Director of the Workshop.

Dr. Bruce Kaiser
Chief Scientist
Bruker AXS
Bruce has taught in over 300 museums and universities world wide supporting Art Restoration and Conservation. His knowledge of how to make XRF systems give details of all objects analyzed has international recognition, more...

XRF Theory


Organized by Instituto de Física de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
For further information and participation write to Carlos L. Pando Lambruschini
Email: carlos@sirio.ifuap.buap.mx