Institute of Physics
"Ing. Luis Rivera Terrazas"

About the Institute of Physics (IFUAP)

The Institute for Physics from the Autonomous University of Puebla is an academic unit dedicated to:

The Institute for Physics (IFUAP) has a long history and extensive recognition, in both, national and international scientific communities. Highlights are its scientific contribution and the quality of its graduates. IFUAP has a solid plant of academic researchers and technicians working in theoretical and experimental physics, and in materials science. Additionaly IFUAP has continually renewed its faculty, opening new lines of research, as well as strengthening the existing ones. The Institute has a complete research laboratory infrastructure and service units for scientific work.

IFUAP provides the opportunity to students who wish to continue their studies in physics and materials science, persuing a masters or a doctorate through its four graduate programs: Master's and Ph.D. in Physics and Master's and Ph.D. in Materials Science. It also offers the opportunity to do internships, postdoctoral stays , thesis , social services or to get advice on any topic of interest.

Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
4 sur 104 Centro Histórico C.P. 72000
Teléfono +52(222) 2295500
Instituto de Física "Ing. Luis Rivera Terrazas"
Av. San Claudio y Blvd. 18 Sur, Col. San Manuel
Edificios 1IF1, 1IF2 y 1IF3, Ciudad Universitaria,
C.P. 72570, Puebla, Pue.
Tel.: (52 222) 229 56 10 - Fax: (52 222) 229 56 11