Institute of Physics
"Ing. Luis Rivera Terrazas"

Library "Carlos Cambero Vizcaíno"

IFUAP's library (which has the name of one of the founders of the Institute) is subscribed to 58 journals of national distribution, and specialized and reference books. Moreover, it has access to the main information networks and national and foreign libraries.

This library counts with 6219 exemplars of 6120 books as a part of its monographic heritage and with 134 periodic publications of specialized journals as part of its newspaper heritage. Moreover, one can access to the webpage of the "Consorcio Nacional de Recursos de Información Científica y Tecnológica" (, and currently it counts with 313 theses.


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Available information services:

Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
4 sur 104 Centro Histórico C.P. 72000
Teléfono +52(222) 2295500
Instituto de Física "Ing. Luis Rivera Terrazas"
Av. San Claudio y Blvd. 18 Sur, Col. San Manuel
Edificios 1IF1, 1IF2 y 1IF3, Ciudad Universitaria,
C.P. 72570, Puebla, Pue.
Tel.: (52 222) 229 56 10 - Fax: (52 222) 229 56 11