Soft condensed matter and complex systems
Dr. Jose Luis Carrillo Estrada
Instituto de Física 'Luis Rivera Terrazas'
Universidad Autonoma de Puebla

escudo ifuap escudo

Extras (curses, conferences, seminars, etc.)

MR Fluid
ER fluid


We study the physics of soft condensed matter, materials which are easily deformable by external stresses, electric or magnetic fields, or even by thermal fluctuations. These materials typically possess structures which are much larger than atomic or molecular scales; the structure and dynamics at the mesoscopic scales determine macroscopic physical properties. We also study the ultrafast processes which occur in mesoscopic semiconductort systems and the related phenomena like thermo-transport coherent manipulation of photoexited populations, tunneling phenomena  and some others. We study the  dynamics of differenciate populations by using statistical mechanicsmethods  and techniques. Also we are interested in the study of hierarchicalstructures in conection to several physical systems.