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Workshop logoNanoscience and Nanotechnology are the fields of immense current interest, promising to build the technology of next generation. It is very important to establish multi-disciplinary contacts among engineers and scientists to take current nanotechnology drive to the next level.

This workshop intends to bring eminent scientists, technologists and young researches together to provide a common platform for discussing their achievements and problems.

There is no registration fee for attending the workshop.

The official languages of the workshop are Spanish and English.

The Condado Plaza is the authorized hotel for the workshop. It is located at 31 Oriente and Priv. 6B Sur, Zona Dorada, Puebla, Mexico.

The congress participants will have a discount in their room reservation. Please refer to the workshop to get the discount.

This web site was designed by Alejandro Escobedo and Miguel Camacho. E-mails: alejandroescobedo@hotmail.com, camacho@sirio.ifuap.buap.mx