Institute of Physics
"Ing. Luis Rivera Terrazas"

How to arrive at IFUAP

Puebla is located at 129 km from Mexico City. If one arrives to the airport of Mexico City (Benito Juárez international airport) one can take there buses to Puebla. There are buses leaving every hour. Additionally, buses can also be taken at "central del norte" (north terminal) or at "TAPO" terminal. The transfer Mexico-Puebla takes in average 2 h.

If one flies directly to the airport of Puebla (Hermanos Serdán airport), also from there it is possible to take buses parting to Puebla central station (CAPU) every few minutes. The transfer takes about 45 min.
From CAPU one can reach IFUAP by local buses. There are three bus lines passing by: "Ruta 10", "Boulevard-CU", and "rápidos de San Antonio". They all stop at the front side of CAPU. It takes 40-60 min to reach IFUAP in this way, and it costs 6 pesos. Ask the bus driver to tell you when you arrive to the BUAP. By taxi, it may take 30-40 min, and it costs around 100 pesos. For security, you should buy the taxi ticket inside CAPU.


Institute for Physics
"Ing. Luis Rivera Terrazas"

Av. San Claudio y Blvd. 18 Sur
Col. San Manuel
Building IF1, IF2, IF3 y EMA3, Ciudad Universitaria
Zipcode 72570, Puebla, Pue.
Phone: (52 222) 229 56 10
Fax: (52 222) 229 56 11

How to arrive at IFUAP, Map of University City, BUAP

How to get IFUAP from DF (using google maps)

Notes on file

Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
4 sur 104 Centro Histórico C.P. 72000
Teléfono +52(222) 2295500
Instituto de Física "Ing. Luis Rivera Terrazas"
Av. San Claudio y Blvd. 18 Sur, Col. San Manuel
Edificios 1IF1, 1IF2 y 1IF3, Ciudad Universitaria,
C.P. 72570, Puebla, Pue.
Tel.: (52 222) 229 56 10 - Fax: (52 222) 229 56 11